Naomi Potter /Prag

A week in the clouds

The weather was perfect,
a background of clear sky stretched out
in front of me all blue and empty,
accenting my surrounding concrete landscape.
After a week I found I couldn’t look at apartment
buildings the same any more,
they were not what they first appeared to be.
Their transformation slowly broadening as the days
passed, their characters deepening.
Their potential as launch dads for silent,
but powerful messages becoming overwhelming.

The week progressed from a classic split between
ground and sky, things on the ground rooted as they
should be, things in the air maintaining their
freedom of evaporation and movement.
But towards the end of my stay,
I envisioned another kind of dynamic,
one in which feather light balloons,
usually strong enough to pull up a family up into the
clouds, could now pull up whole apartments full of
people and stuff and ideals and dreams.
Up and away they would go,
Sailing off to distant and better place.
Some utopia of promised clean, open, blue space.

we all aim towards the sky